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Cupcake Corer
Cupcake Corer - color will vary
Damask Fondant and Gum Paste Mold
Damask Fondant and Gum Paste Mold
Day of the Dead Cupcake Decorating Kit
Day of the Dead Cupcake Decorating Kit
Includes: Baking Cups, Pics, and Sprinkles
Decorating Bag Ties
Decorating Bag Ties - 12 per package
Decorating Icing Tube - Orange
Wilton Decorating Icing Tube - Orange

***Shipping is at your own risk***
Blake’s Decorette Shop is not responsible for any damages caused to this product during the shipping process***

We highly recommend purchasing a Cooler Pack when having this edible item shipped during hot summer days. To order this to be included in your purchase, either search for Cooler Pack or scroll to the top of the page to add to your shopping cart.

***Blake’s Decorette Shop is not responsible for any damages caused during shipping***

Decorating Icing Tube - White
Wilton Decorating Icing Tube - White

***Shipping is at your own risk***
Blake’s Decorette Shop is not responsible for any damages caused to this product during the shipping process***

We highly recommend purchasing a Cooler Pack ($5.00) when having this edible item shipped during hot summer days. To order this to be included in your purchase, either search for "Cooler Pack" or scroll to the top of the page to add to your shopping cart.

We cannot guarantee this product if it is shipped without a Cooler Pack during hot summer days.
Decorating Tip #1B / #855
Drop Flower Tip
Sold Individually
Decorating Tip #1G / #858
Drop Flower Tip
Decorating Tip #1S
Extra small round tip for piping fine cornelli lace, icing embroidery, and fine stringwork.

Decorating Tip #2F / #510
Large 5-pointed drop flower tip for piping large double-petal flowers as cake accents.
